The BAFRA AGM - Monday 9th October 2023

This years BAFRA AGM is being held at Knole House on Monday 9th October 2023.

Knole is a country house and former archbishop's palace owned by the National Trust. It is situated within Knole Park, a 1,000-acre deer park located immediately to the south-east of Sevenoaks in west Kent.

A stunning historic country house with an impressive collection of artwork, tapestries and furniture it is also home to The Royal Oak Foundation Conservation Studio who care for around one million objects, across 200 National Trust properties.  

After a highlight tour of the showrooms, Senior Conservator, Gerry Alabone will give a short presentation on the restoration of sgabelli chairs from Petworth and Lacock Abbey followed by an exclusive visit to the Conservation Studio.

Numbers are limited so to book your space or for further information please contact Head Office 01939 210826

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