Woods in British Furniture 1400-1900 - Saturday 14th October 2023
BAFRA is pleased to announce a lecture/workshop with renowned furniture historian, Dr Adam Bowett to be held at the workshops of Accredited member Clive Payne.
A brief outline of the day is as follows:
10.00 Tea/Coffee on arrival
10.30 - 11.30 Secondary woods in British Furniture to 1800
11.45 - 12.45 Mapping the Mahogany Trade
12.45 - 13.45 Lunch
13.45 - 14.45 Exotic woods and the Growth of Empire
15.00 - 16.00 Q&A/workshop/case studies
16.00 Tea/Coffee and depart
Dr Adam Bowett is an independent furniture historian. He works as a consultant on historic English furniture with public institutions and private clients in both Britain and North America. The former include The National Trust, English Heritage, The Department of Culture Media and Sport, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and numerous regional and local bodies. He also teaches furniture history at universities and other institutions, including the Victoria and Albert Museum, Buckinghamshire New University and West Dean College and is Chair of The Chippendale Society. He has published widely in popular and academic journals and is the author of three books on English furniture and furniture-making.
Prices: BAFRA Accredited Members FOC
BAFRA Student Members FOC
All other BAFRA Members £30
General Public £50
To book your space please contact BAFRA’s Head Office 01939 210826 or email info@bafra.org.uk
Address: Unit 11, Langston Priory Workshops, Kingham, Oxfordshire OX7 6UP
Tea and coffee will be provided but please bring your own lunch